Sunday, May 28, 2023

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Quietly Working

 I'd love to tell you we're doing exciting things...but we're not. Granted, the trailer's a bit tidier. We've got clean clothes, several jobs completed, and a partly-planted garden. The reports are slowly getting finished up. Nothing going for Memorial Day -- our kids are busy, and other friends are, too. We do have a graduation party to attend (Congratulations, Evan!) -- and two Rockies specials** to consume, since the Rocks (barely) won last night. 

I guess that's something. 

**In Colorado, if the Rockies baseball team has more than 7 runs in a game, Taco Bell lets you buy 4 tacos for $2.00 the next day, between 4-6 p.m. It's called the 'Rockies Special,' but Taco Bell may offer it for other teams in other states. Who knows. Meanwhile:

Tina Turner's gone, at 83. A wonderful self-described 'rough' singer and dancer. Gutsy and beautiful.

A Medal of Honor winner during the Korean War, Luther Herschel Story's body, unidentified for decades, is finally laid to rest. Here's Mr. Story's story.

Things discovered in old churches -- surprise, surprise!

 The old-timey ways to 'catch a husband' -- at least according this antique post. Some might actually work! 

Is time travel real...and evidence is in these pieces of art?

Banana split icebox cake -- no bake! 

Beef drip sandwiches. (Courtesy of the Pioneer Woman)

Bacon cheeseburger slider bake. Yum. Speaking of eating...

A crocodile farm boss gets cornered -- and eaten by 40 of his own animals!

The actors who sued because their acting in Romeo and Juliet 50 years ago suddenly convinced them they were doing child porn -- their case got thrown out of court. Click on the link if you're curious why.

The NYC professor who's sure she's the victim of racism -- after being fired for trashing some students' exhibit, then threatening (and chasing) a reporter with a machete. Yep, that sure sounds racist to me...ironically, she wasn't fired until the reporter incident. Apparently trashing a pro-life exhibit, and spouting off swear words, is not only typical, but honorable for a professor. "Constructive criticism," another group called it. Yep...

'Constructively critiqued:' swear words, abuse and destroying students' display. That's how this NYC college professor showed tolerance and communication. My question: would she ever have been held accountable for this, if her actions hadn't been recorded... probably not. 

Old plane wrecks you can visit -- they're still there!

'Mizzy' interviews with Piers Morgan -- and doesn't look so good by the end.

'Just Stop Oil' protestors spray orange paint on themselves and the community garden they're standing in -- whereupon a lady watering plants waters THEM!  (Good for her.)

A free no-waste recipe book, courtesy of IKEA. (Their 'no-waste' omelette sounds a lot like my 'kitchen sink' version -- as in 'everything but the...') Thanks, Kristen at The Frugal Girl, for mentioning this.

This Texas oil man has some things to say about Congress, Washington and the national debt. 

'Tourons of Yellowstone:' an instagram account about stupid things people do in national parks.

A paralyzed man walks -- for the first time in 12 years! Thanks to electronic implants. Yay for science!

Here's how Black Lives Matter spent its money for 2022. (All nonprofits are required to report -- it's just that BLM doesn't always follow the rules promptly. Probably because they know people aren't going to be thrilled about their expenditures.) 

Update:  turns out only 33% of their expenditures actually went to charity -- the rest was 'salary' for board members and relatives. (Hey, they're worth it...right?)

The Biden administration has big plans for the Western states' use of water. Oh-oh. 

Historical backstabbers -- who deserved what they got.

A BLT pie? Yup, thanks to Betty Crocker. And easy, too.

A long look at four individuals (two married to each other now), their experience in medical school -- and where they're going, now they're transitioning from graduation into the medical field. Part I is here.  Then go on to Part II... and finally the current installment. This is fascinating reading, since three of the four owe student loans -- big-time. 

'I don't want to talk about it:' Nancy Pelosi's response to the Trump-Russia probe report.

In a similar mode -- 'Do as I say,' according to NAACP. 'Not as I do...'  Travel in Florida is 'hostile,' in spite of NAACP higher-ups, including the CHAIRMAN,  living and taking vacations there. Uh-huh. Right. "We haven't told anybody to leave," says the chairman. (He lives in Tampa.)

Another black lesbian commentator says Florida will be a "black terrorist state..." then she mentions that she and her family went there for Spring Break this year. Huh?

'Ethnic' dishes that are actually more American than anything. We are a country of such mixed nationalities that I'm not really surprised. P.S. I'm a 'mutt,' too.

A treasure trove of marble artifacts -- found on a shipwreck just outside Israel.

Have a good week. Eat a taco!

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...