Monday, May 22, 2023

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: More of Same

 More rain -- though it's calmed down some. We have a lot of overcast weather, thanks to wildfire smoke moving down from Canada. 

I planted flowers, worked on reports. Put stuff away, did some errands (and an appraisal), and took donations to Goodwill. The Brick mowed our friends' lawn (a 5+ hour task), and worked on the kitchen sink. 

    Hey, we Bricks lead an exciting life. 

Deer in the pasture, birds at the feeder...and a wild turkey 
underneath, picking up scraps.


A THREE BILLION DOLLAR 'accounting mistake:' our U.S government in action. 

Want to live on a tugboat? This family chose that option.

Six ingredients you can salvage and reuse for tasty food -- including artichoke peels!

Royal fashion hacks -- that you can use, too.

Using epoxy for a 'stone' effect on your kitchen counters. 

Did you ever wonder what was said -- and happened -- AFTER Oprah gave away all those free cars? Were they really free? One of the members of that audience tells all. (Yes, she still has the car.)

Oldest human footprints found yet. How does 300,000 years grab you?

Unsolved mysteries still going strong, as of 2022.

An ice climber in Utah dies -- after pushing another climber out of the way of falling ice. Gutsy.

Make a beautiful pendant from a plate. Preferably a damaged plate. (Please don't break it on purpose.)

A Roman coin stash found in Italy. (Probably buried by a soldier.)

What a climber on Mont Blanc found -- and eventually was allowed to keep. This is long, but you can scroll through the excess quickly.

The Andy Warhol estate loses a big lawsuit -- on whether it owns the image after he copied it. (In this case, it was an early photo of Prince. The court ruled he doesn't. Or didn't.)

Meanwhile, Michael Moebius, whose work seems way similar to Warhol's, wins a $120 million lawsuit against companies that copy his work. (Moebius says he uses a dozen different photos to come up with his 'collages,' so it's not the same. I'm skeptical.)

'Perfect timing.'

Jason Momoa is hosting Shark Week this summer on the Discovery Channel! (Yes, I know this is silly. Too bad.)

Ten hidden passages found - under monuments. 

The BEST flourless peanut butter cookies -- from one of my blogging buddettes, Thrifty Mom in Boise.

For all us textile freaks -- a closer look at Queen Camilla's coronation outfit. P.S. Language of Flowers fanatics, hang in there until the end of the article...

Oops...the State of California loses to churches it tried to force to pay for abortions. They wouldn't, and now CA must pay up millions.

New images of the Titanic -- culled from more than 200 hours of scans.  

A police officer caught in the act of stealing -- and with 11 years of experience, too! Shame on him. 

Speaking of -- a Colorado man tries to avoid a DUI by claiming that his dog was driving. (I am not making this up.)

A nesting osprey protects its babies from hail. Good for you, Mom!

Financial moves that help you reduce anxiety over today's weirdnesses. (From Financial Samurai)

Popular dishes -- and how they used to taste!

Federal student loan repayment starts again in August. If you still owe money, get ready for this. 

'How can I overcome my addiction to shopping?'  A case study from the Frugalwoods.

How about a plate of roti to accompany your next stew or soup? 

People who did kind things -- only to have them backfire. 

Some of the first Ice Age visitors to the Americas were Chinese, according to a recent DNA study. Hmmm.

Humpback whales indulge in a spa treatment -- a seafloor scrub!

Have a good week.

(Actually, it's a double -- see the second one?)

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...