Monday, May 1, 2023

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: May, Where Did You Come From?

    You sure caught us by surprise.

     It sneaked in on the departing heels of  April -- a month used up by two weeks of cruising (in the Caribbean); weeks of cleaning and moving from our friends' house, back into the fifth-wheel; appraisals; doing a gig (it was fun, Quilters Above the Clouds!); bronchitis (okay, that wasn't fun) and rounding out with a women's retreat sponsored by our church, Central Bible. 


This week will be continuing to tidy up and put away stuff in the fifth-wheel, as well as several appraisals. Planting and weeding. (Even though our latest snow was just a few days ago.) And maybe a nap or two.

Our beloved granddoggie Karma, snoozing away. 
We miss her.


The copyright infringement trial continues -- was Ed Sheeran's song Thinking Out Loud taken from Marvin Gaye's Let's Get It On? Sheeran says he'd "have to be an idiot" to rip off Marvin Gaye... and he's right. 

Here's Ed's song, Thinking Out Loud:

Lovely.  And here's Marvin Gaye's song, Let's Get It On:

Also Lovely.

And a comparison of the two:

Boy, I sure don't see a resemblance,other than the beginning of both songs draw on the same classic rock rhythm lines and patterns. Next question: is Gaye's music 'derivative' of other songs in the hemisphere at the time? If you want to draw the lines this closely... yes. (And who did he 'copy?' Music draws from itself constantly.) The family won another lawsuit on this subject, with a $5 million payoff. (And I didn't think there was much of a resemblance there, either.) Maybe they were hoping that Sheeran would roll over and settle out of court. He didn't. Good for him. 

     Musicians and composers everywhere are watching this lawsuit carefully. (Yes, the Brick and I are both musicians, with friends and family who are, as well.) We are all influenced by what we hear musically -- and yes, some of these influences reveal themselves in our music. Tom Petty was once urged to sue a bunch of artists for what they'd 'stolen' from him. He laughed and said they were welcome to it.

This has happened before. With the lure of $$, it's sure to happen again.

Makeup, hair and skin tips from the experts who treat the royals.

Three 18-year-olds arrested, after they made a hobby of throwing rocks through motorists' windshields -- and killed a girl, doing it. They're Coloradoans, too.

Harry Belafonte died - age 96. An elegant and accomplished actor and musician.

The artist who taped a banana to the wall and called it art. (Sold it for $120,000. Twice. Now it's $150,000.)

    That's stupid enough.

But then you have the student who untapes the banana, eats it -- and tapes the peel back on the wall. Because he was "hungry" and 'didn't have breakfast.' Did he have to pay $120,000?? Naah. The museum just taped up a fresh banana, and said they wouldn't press charges. They have to replace the banana every few days, anyways. Go figure, huh.

Mr Noh [the student in question] later told local media that he saw Cattelan's work as a rebellion against a certain authority. "There could be another rebellion against the rebellion," the Seoul National University student told KBS.

"Damaging an artwork could also be seen as an artwork."


'Pillow' coasters -- made from concrete or plaster of paris, and sandwich bags. 

Don Lemon on CNN: Fired. Surprise, surprise. But I hear he's been hired back on for a morning show.

Have a good week.

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...