Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Trading In Your Car For Cash...And A New Car

Apparently Great Britain is considering implementing a new program where old car drivers (not old people -- people with old cars!) would turn in their machines for scrap in return for 2,000 pounds and a commitment to buy a new car.

What is that -- about $5000?

Here's the link:


What intrigued me was the matter-of-fact statement that Germany has already done this successfully.

Really! I'm not so sure we'd turn our baby in. (It has several years of life left, I think.) But I am certain both Daughters would leap at the chance -- Daughter #1's car has been looking a little sad, and Daughter #2's car is not that far from the grave.

Seems like this would be a GREAT idea for our ever-burgeoning subsidizing!

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