Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Monday (er, Tuesday) Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Waiting On the Mama...In More Ways Than One

 (Had this done on Monday -- just didn't get it sent out.)

Still in Michigan, helping out with the Mama's rehabilitation. Or whatever you'd call it. She is doing much better -- but still has a ways to go. She takes care of herself, but does it very slowly. I am learning patience, standing by and waiting. However, I know that being able to care for herself will come in handy when I'm gone in a few weeks.

 So I wait. 

Actually, I am doing better in this department. But there's definitely a learning curve.


Easy coleslaw -- grab a bag of shredded cabbage, and it takes five more minutes!

Jennifer Lopez forgets to take off the price tag from her very fancy Dolce Gabbana cape. (Or maybe she didn't, and is planning on returning it!) The million-dollar question: how much WAS the price? I sure couldn't read it...

Ever wonder how the famous song "Under Pressure" got written? 

 "I'm not supposed to take any questions." Will the President's handlers get mad at him for saying that?

     Shoot, would Donald Trump have ever said that?? How about Barack Obama?

An ancient Aztec manuscript describes seismic activity -- the oldest manuscript from the Americas to do so.

A bunch of very funny teacher stories.

A button shop owner wins a huge fight with a real estate investor -- over a 6" wide strip of land. I am not making this up.

A pistol once used by Billy the Kid sells: SIX MILLION DOLLARS.

15 helpful money tips.   (From Millenial Money Woman)

Harvard was meeeaaannn to Farrah Abraham, educationally speaking. Or so she says. Be sure to read her badly-written, misspelled Yelp review as proof that she's doing Master's degree quality work. 

A news flash for ya: The "liberal news media" may be biased. (Actually, the "conservative news media" might be biased, too. Just a bit.) 

DON'T step off the boardwalk at Yellowstone -- or look forward to jail time and a fine. (Or being boiled to death...)

Cool repair hacks for non-food items, using...food.  (A couple of these are stretching it, but why not, Listverse)

James Madison University students get some very interesting training sessions -- did you know that if you're 1) white, 2) male, 3) straight and 4) Christian -- you're automatically an "oppressor?" And this from... 

In an earlier statement, the school backed the training as an effort to "create an inclusive and community for all students."

Guess I'm lucky I only fit three categories. 

A military veteran lives in her car -- because she can't legally evict the tenants who haven't paid for months from her rentals. (Said tenants say they can't pay because  -- listing several reasons.)

Korean beef & rice (bulgogi)-- 15 min. to prepare.  (From Taste of Home)

Have a great week.

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  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.