Monday, August 23, 2021

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Doing What You Need To

 Gentle Readers, as you know, The Mama's health has not been good. Daughter #2 and Son #1, bless them, have been staying with her the past week, after she got out from the hospital (again). Daughter #1 and her partner also headed there for a few days. Bless them, too. 

     Monday night, they fly home to Colorado...and I fly to Michigan to take my turn. Hopefully in time our combined help will enable The Mama be able to stay in her own home. She'll need a care taker now and then. That's doable. 

     Unfortunately, this means I have to ditch my responsibilities at home, or leave them to the Brick. He will stay here and take care of the dogs. Neither of us wants this -- but it's important to go. The Mama needs me, and the Brick can look after things here. 

     I'll keep you posted.

              from Country dirt/facebook

Richard Lamm died last month. This ex-Colorado governor had many things to say and do...many of them quite different from the norm. He was 85 -- apparently that didn't apply to him personally when, back in 2009, he announced that "we [old people[ have a duty to die and get out of the way." (More on this in my book Colorado Curiosities, if you're...well, curious.)

Make a resin sun mobile...from resin (of course). 

Six ways to pay off debt -- or keep from going into debt.  A classic from yours truly.

Best recipes from Presidents and their First Ladies.

Olive Garden breadsticks copycat recipe -- good with soup!  (From Cooking Classy)

How to make a tomato pincushion.  (From One Hundred Dollars A Month)

Celebrities (mostly actors) with strange habits.

A decade-long study on honesty is deep-sixed...because the researcher doing it faked his date. Go figure...

Old-fashioned lemonade made easy.  (From Harvest Lane Cottage)

Tom T. Hall died. I've loved this easygoing songwriter's work. Including:

An interesting speech on slavery and reparations, and critical race theory -- from a dad at a Colorado Springs school board meeting.

These three months on the homestead... a welcome update from the Frugalwoods.

Chinese art pieces are being stolen around the world...but is the Chinese government behind the thefts?

An Anglo-Saxon queen's monastery rediscovered. 

Rachel Dolezal, my favorite self-described person of color, starts her Only Fans account -- to show off 'squats' (I can just guess) and sexy foot photos. (I am not making this up.)

Rent collected by two congresswomen on their own properties -- the same people who are advocating that all owed rent payments should be cancelled. (They're actually co-sponsoring the bill with AOC.) Nope, no hypocrisy here...

Unusual historical mementos... found by accident. 

Boston Dynamics' two-legged robot: amazing.

including a backflip!

A fawn is saved by a kayaking crew in Lake Superior. 

A bartender saves two women from a harasser. Nicely done, Buddy!

Shrimp Scampi -- tastes good with gluten-free spaghetti, as well.

Some very funny working-from-home-and-elsewhere appearances...with cats!  (Grand Rapids, Michigan weatherman Bill Steffens is one of the newspeople.)

And...50 famous cat ladies.   Plus 25 musicians with cats.

Disturbing Victorian traditions.  Those kinky Victorians...

"They are chanting 'Death to America --' but they seem friendly, at the same time." Huh????

Afghans desperately try to cling to an Air Force plane as it takes off from Kabul.

Dumpster-dived goodies.

Peaches and cream overnight oats -- for breakfast!

A library dresses up its cat as various literary (and other) figures -- more than 100 different ones! Wonder what the cat thinks about this?

A dad...and his four daughters. A love- and weird-fest in photos and text. (If you have daughters, you'll understand.)

The hoarder from hell... unless you're fond of beer can mountains.

Robbers try to steal a Monet from Dutch museum, but are foiled by a passerby.

Have a good week.

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...