Thursday, August 26, 2021

Updates...And More

      I thought it was beginning to edge toward fall, not only in Colorado but here in Michigan.

     I was wrong.

     It has been hot. And sticky. And hot some more. When Michigan forecasters talk about what they call "brutal heat," you'd better pay attention. 

     After two months in and out of hospitals and rehab centers, The Mama is home again -- and slowly starting to do the everyday things she found so easy before. My job is to help out with meal-making, clothes washing, running to get the little things she needs, doing errands -- and being here, just in case she needs me. It's not exciting work, but I need to be doing it. 

      The hard part: the heat is making it difficult for me to get any sleep at night. And I have some appraising work to finish up. In between getting bottles of water and washing dishes, the time seems to drift.

I just need to keep doing what's needed. Cousins and my brother have been helping out  with The Mama-- it's my turn to give them a break for a while.

The Brick is holding the fort in Colorado. We still do not have a working vehicle -- but the diesel shop is set to start on it in the next few days. We've been making do by borrowing yet another friend's truck. Hopefully we won't need to soon.

Everything else goes on. If we can hang in there for a few more weeks, a lot of things will be resolved...and hopefully the weather will cool down. 

Other updates:

The chaos in Afghanistan is STILL Trump's fault. Although President Biden is pledging, "We will hunt you down," to the suicide bombers and others terrorizing Kabul and the airport. I just hope he does it...
    But hey, on the way to these threats of reprisal, the Taliban was provided a list not only of Americans, but Afghans who helped their cause. Gee, how nice of the U.S. -- the Taliban doesn't have to work at figuring out who to hunt down now. Nick Short tweeted:

“U.S. officials in Kabul gave the Taliban a list of names of American citizens, green card holders and Afghan allies to grant entry into the militant-controlled outer perimeter of the city’s airport.” So we gave them a hit list?!

It's a strange world out there -- best to just keep plugging away, I guess. 

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