Monday, August 16, 2021

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Cheyenne -- and Fires

     I spent a good portion of last week hanging out with the girls in the Cheyenne Heritage Quilters guild. They're clever quilters who enjoy experimenting; even when they make a kit, they'll often improvise a new border or setting. Which makes judging and appraising for them a pleasure. 

     Fellow appraiser Gina went along...and was willing to drive. Which was wonderful -- our truck is STILL out of commission. We have at least another week or two in this situation. Maddening.

     At least it's a little cooler here. The smoke in the air (from the California fires) has been everpresent. If you left your windows open, you woke up choking from the smoke. That's lifted some for us Coloradoans. It's still tough for Californians, though.


A new (to me) blog I've been reading a fair amount of: 'Little Dorrit Does.' She has plenty to say about frugal living. You might enjoy reading her, too.

Seven ways to get free groceries.  (From Surviving and Thriving)

Melania Trump and the White House Rose Garden  Did she eviscerate it...or save it?

Our favorite journalist brings out his own fashion line! Yes, Shaun King, that paragon of truth and honesty, is also shilling to pay for moving expenses: from a luxury apartment in New York City to a lavish home in NJ, purchased by his wife so he doesn't have to admit it personally. (If you read the fundraiser, you'd swear the family was leaving a slum apartment and moving out of fear to who-knows-what. The truth? Not exactly.) 

     The poor guy is under all this stress for being questioned about his motives -- and house size.  Oops, now he says he's not moving into his 'modest' $845,000 house, after all. Help him feel better about it all. Buy a hoodie or something. Just don't bring up his background while you're doing it.

Traveling overseas during Covid -- what you need to know.

Nineteen wonderful Halloween ideas. Including Wicked Witch Legs!

Using string to help repurposed blinds fit their new space.

Italian biscotti with chocolate and almonds. Oh, cranberries and raisins, too. Yum.

Is $100 a month still possible for a food budget? My Abundant Life is doing it...

One of the funniest commercials ever -- at least for us wives: THE DOGHOUSE.

A classic from yours truly on bullies, confessions...and resignation.   And...

In praise of staying up late. And coffee.

Co-stars who LIKED kissing each other. It often seems to be the opposite!

Grocery store sales tricks -- and how to counteract them.

Ten 'interesting' things lottery winners spent their money on. (And it wasn't always good...)

Message from a "time traveller of 2714" -- except his 'predictions' don't seem to be coming true. (Shades of the people who seem to think that Donald Trump will be reinstated as president on Aug. 13.)

Crumb quilting -- 5 ways to start a block. This method uses up a TON of scraps.

Entitled people who want freebies -- here's a bunch to sneer at.

Monitoring Tucker Carlson's e-mails? No way, says the NSA. (Okay, maybe they were.)

The smallest baby ever to live (so far - less than 1/2 pound and four months premature) gets to go home. 

A swimming pool made from pallets and tarps??

 Bernie Madoff's final days were miserable, thanks to not being released on 'compassionate grounds.' (He tried. More than once.) His lawyer: "There is no compassionate release when there is no compassion." Maybe it also had something to do with Madoff skipping doctor appointments, refusing to follow procedure...and lack of compassion for his many victims??

Target's got some kind of 'Little House on the Prairie' thing going right now for women's fashion. Do you want to get in on it, too?

More very funny photos from the guy who sends these whenever his girlfriend asks, 'How's the baby?'

Lots of ditherings from Thistlewood Farms. I don't normally care for this blogger's overenthusiasm for tiny improvements any doofus could cook up (especially repainting), as well as her version of 'economizing.' ("Spend a ton of money -- you may not need it, but it's 10% off!"). Once in a while, though, she comes up with something good. She's got a lot of interesting links in this post.

Victims of 9/11 -- separating the real from the fakes. (And they're out there, like this girl.)

Weird 9/11 photos...including a photographer who caught the second plane just before it hit

Kipchoge defends his Olympic title in the marathon. Wow.

A camping trip to Yellowstone National Park -- not as good as being there, but a quick visual trip, anyways. (Notice all the people waiting for Old Faithful? Tons of tourists -- oh boy.... from Retire At 40)

Have a great week.

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...