Sunday, August 8, 2021

Monday (ok, Sunday) Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Unwilted

     I don't know about your neck of the woods, but it's been a touch less oppressive around here. Which is fortunate -- the Brick spent several days on the trailer roof, fixing the air conditioning and doing some maintenance. Poor guy -- it wasn't cool up there. I am very grateful for a clever husband who can do this kind of work. I try to help out by doing chores inside the trailer-- picking up, washing dishes, cleaning, etc. I've also been finishing up a lot of paperwork. And we're still pretty much stuck in place. As a result, it hasn't been very exciting. But that's life sometimes.

     It's looking up, though. The rooftop work is done. My paperwork is almost done. The guy at the diesel shop has finally ordered parts for the truck. ($7500 worth, which we had to pay cash for.) And Wednesday, I head up north to judge and appraise for the Cheyenne Heritage Quilters annual show in (you guessed it) Cheyenne, WY. More info on this tomorrow. 

Charley's a fan of quilts, too -- they're nice and soft.

Actors who, if they'd gotten the part they originally wanted, would have totally changed their careers -- and the movie. Case in point: Orlando Bloom tried out for Faramir in the Lord of the Rings movies -- but lost to David Wenham. Bloom had to make do with the part of Legolas, instead...

This new restaurant based on Andy Warhol is serving his favorite meal. Find out what it is...

Is your garden pestered by Japanese beetles?  Nine proven ways to get rid of them -- or at least control them.  (From One Hundred Dollars A Month)

Now if there was a surefire way to deal with dandelions...

Celebrities who photobombed regular folks! What a refreshing switch. Just like this couple...

Husband-and-wife Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively troll each other.  Tell me you won't be laughing at these, too!

$13,000 wagered -- on one Daily Double in Jeopardy. Now THAT's gutsy. (Or foolish, as the case may be.)

Funniest fan moments in sports:

Also -- some very funny dog and cat reactions. (I know -- these have nothing to do with the previous video.)

"I took my bikini off because it got wet." So that explains why an Italian model was frolicking topless with the (very married) husband of Princess Eugenie...don't you always take YOUR swimsuit off when it gets wet??

The alleged culprit for the burning of the USS Bonhomme Richard. 

Back-to-school teacher discounts at various businesses -- great for stretching your money even further!

Advice that changed you for the better.  (From Quora)

Are women better investors than men? This (female) blogger thinks so -- and I think she's right.

Little ways to save money that add up. 

More on the U.S. student loan forgiveness program. (Which you should definitely apply for, if you can.) BUT of the applicants, 98% were rejected as of 4/21 -- here's how to make sure you won't be.

Broccoli salad -- several yummy versions.

Lamps made from orange peels -- not making this one up. 

Preparing now for weathering the recession. It's coming, people.  (From The Prudent Homemaker)

A delicious-looking zucchini pastry tart.  (From One Hundred Dollars A Month)

Have a great week.

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...