Thursday, August 19, 2021

Thank God

 Life is so uncertain right now.

Our hearts break, seeing the turmoil in Afghanistan -- and knowing, in spite of the Taliban's glib promises, that women, children and men there are dying.

Now that unemployment benefits and rent 'holds' are evaporating, with no further stimulus checks in view, what will people do who haven't planned ahead and saved for this? 

What will the Covid-19 variant bring? Has Covid loosened its grip...or will it just get worse? 

What will our country do, with all the insults, foot-dragging and fussing over Every Single Thing?

It isn't any easier on the homefront. Our truck is still not fixed -- our only vehicle. (We have been so grateful for two sets of friends who cheerfully loan us their cars as needed.) And once it is fixed, a whopping big bill awaits.

     The Mama's health is not good. For the past two months, she has been bouncing regularly from hospital to rehab facility to home -- and back to the hospital. (I will be heading to Michigan next week to stay with her, while the Brick holds the fort here.) 

This makes me so grateful for being a Christian. God has worked in so many parts of our lives, and I can see His hand in even these things, too. 

Will I trust Him? 

Is He worth trusting?


      A detail from 'Susan and Aslan' -- from Panjool   (see it here)

Hopefully this is true...well, maybe not the 'old' part.


Virginia Berger said...

Praying for you - that God's presence will be very real to you everyday and that His peace will sustain you.

Cindy Brick said...

Thank you, Virginia. I appreciate the encouragement.

Sometimes in our lives, we have a "take it one day at a time" need. This is one of them. So far, I -- and more importantly, The Mama -- are doing ok.

Thanks for writing.

Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...