Friday, May 29, 2020

A New Shipwreck Found in Lake Michigan

A new shipwreck's been discovered in Lake Michigan.

While tooling around near South Manitou Island, Ross Richardson had his son notice something on sonar, rising 90 feet from the lakebed. The wreck was 300 feet down. Divers went to investigate --

And discovered a two-masted schooner, masts still pointing toward the surface, sitting on the bottom. 
Incredibly intact.

Here's the story. They believe it to be the W.C. Kimball, which disappeared on the Big Lake in May 1891, with a cargo of salt and roofing shingles. No one knew what had happened to it.

Until perhaps now.

In its time, the Kimball may have looked like the Grace Bailey, one of the few double-masted schooners still in existence:

By Cinster - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, 

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Happy St. Patrick's Day!

  Éirinn   go   Brách!