Monday, May 11, 2020

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: It's The Little Things That Count

...or at least keeping on, little by little, with the jobs that need doing!

The huge juniper bush is out, and a nicely plowed area is waiting for perennial plants.

More stuff put away. More inventory done. 

And the book started. Now to keep up with what I've begun.

Very silly signs and such about quarantine. We need to keep smiling...somehow. These are very funny, too, including...

Joe Biden and sexual harassment claims -- should there be an investigation? Here's a report on what Tara Reade alleged.

Ten interesting comments by Nancy Pelosi. Oops! She did not say that "Americans are the stupidest people on earth." Thank God. She did, however, say these other items...

VE Day was this past week -- 75 years ago. Wow.

Michigan's governor sends out her state troopers after a truly heinous criminal:  a 77-year-old barber that's keeping his shop open. 
    Hmmm. The governor said that she could get her hair cut and nails done, in spite of the lockdown, because she was a public person. Chicago's mayor took a similar tack.
    Maybe they should ask the barber to do it next time. (Naaahhh.)

Norwegian Cruise Lines are issuing 'We're not so sure we're going to make it' warnings. Oh boy. Hang in there, CMV!

Approx. 70,000 crew members on cruiselines are still onboard -- until their respective bosses figure out what to do with them. Our ship, Cruise & Maritime's Columbus, is still parked by the dock in Tilbury -- I hope our friends on board aren't onboard anymore.

The glories of soup -- homemade and otherwise. From one of my favorite food bloggers, Poor Girl Eats Well.

Southwestern casserole -- easy to make with budget ingredients. Plus this intriguing tidbit, from Taste of Home:
A Monterey, California, businessman named David Jacks made Monterey Jack cheese popular in the late 1800s by shipping it to San Francisco and other areas of the U.S.

 April Fool jokes that went horribly wrong.  My dad was an April Fool by birth; after doing some family tree research, we just realized that The Brick's grandpas had both died on April 1st, though different years.

An insiders look at an ancient Egyptian funeral a discovery inside a mummy case that no one realized was there. (Apparently they didn't look. From Artnet)

Financial advice I wish I'd learned sooner. A classic from yours truly.

A REALLY low-priced house renovation. And it doesn't look like it, either.

Michael Flynn's free to go -- the Department of Justice just dropped all charges against him.

Why Charlie Chaplin is still important to actors today. And it's not because he was funny, either.

Almond biscotti.  Dip these puppies in chocolate, then invite me over for tea!  (From One Hundred Dollars A Month)

Good credit card advice -- from Warren Buffett.

Five creative home dec hacks that aren't expensive. Or permanent, for that matter -- renters, take note. (From Knockoff Decor)

How Covid-19 changed our budget.  (From Millenial Revolution)

The recipe that's been in every single Betty Crocker cookbook -- ever. Did you guess right?

This insanely cool birthday mug from Etsy -- I wonder if you can get them for us kids?

Two sailors' bones found in the turret of the USS Monitor -- and finally laid to rest at Arlington.

I love One Hundred Dollars A Month's weekly posts on food purchases, and meals for that week. This one's a doozy, including a customer-with-gloves, and... pre-cooked octopus???
     You'll also enjoy her post on:

Best foods for eating well on a limited budget.

Easy knit slippers -- an oldie but goodie.

"Can I eat something in the grocery store, if I haven't paid for it yet? Or plan to, I would add...this drives me TOTALLY nuts in the produce section. (100-plus answers, thanks to Quora)

Have a great week.

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Happy St. Patrick's Day!

  Éirinn   go   Brách!