Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Banana-Oatmeal Cookies: Two Ingredients!

This cookie recipe, thanks to Hillbilly Housewife, uses only two ingredients:

Bananas (2)
Oatmeal (2 cups)


Here's what you do:

Mash the bananas. (The riper, the better.) Gradually mix in 1 1/2 cups oatmeal, then add up to another 1/2 cup, until you have a heavier cookie dough. (This took me maybe 2 minutes - tops.)

Scoop balls of dough, then flatten them on an ungreased cookie sheet.

That's it.

Bake at 350 degrees for approx. 10 minutes, until the cookies are firm and lightly browned.

Serve warm -- makes about 8-10 cookies.

Note: The Brick likes a sweeter cookie...and thought these should be sweeter, too. You might want to add 1/4 cup o sugar to the mix. (I'll try that next time.) Hillbilly Housewife suggests adding nuts, chocolate chips and such. 

Try these healthy, tasty Banana-Oatmeal Cookies next time you've got bananas that are starting to go...or you need a quick snack.

(Hillbilly's No-Bake Cookies are wonderful, too -- but a heck of a lot more decadent. They're the traditional chocolate no-bakes, but she calls them 'Preacher Cookies' -- because they could be made quickly when the preacher was spotted riding up.)

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Happy St. Patrick's Day!

  Éirinn   go   Brách!