Friday, May 29, 2020


It's been a strange week.

We thought we were going to Michigan -- we didn't.

I thought this book manuscript had to be done today -- it isn't.
     (Next week, instead. Whew)

Had to deal with some interesting situations -- I'm still not sure why they happened.
      Are people just extra-crazy about this whole Covid-19 situation...and expressing it in unusual ways? Judging from the frightening violence and looting in Minneapolis and elsewhere...I'd say yes.       This isn't just about George Floyd. I feel certain of that. The Target looters weren't looking for justice -- just a nice pair of lamps and a new bedspread.

Lots of photos for the book -- wonderful. The writing is going good.

I guess I should be grateful that we still have clean underwear, dishes and the House DVDs are holding out. (We're on Season Four right now, but finished Season Six before. The library doesn't always give them to you in order.)

Two days of windy rainstorms.  REALLY unusual for Colorado.

The plants are loving it. Most of the perennials lived, and the swiss chard is up and developing its first real leaves.

The coffee's holding out. So are milk and eggs.

Must be patient.

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Happy St. Patrick's Day!

  Éirinn   go   Brách!