Monday, May 11, 2020

The USS Nevada -- Rediscovered!

    This proud ship (BB-36) survived WWII and a nuclear test on Bikini Atoll.

  She was the only ship in port to get underway during the attack on Pearl Harbor, an amazing feat in itself that says a lot for her crew. She was hit by missiles, though, and beached on a coral reef, where she eventually sank.

The Nevada, as she looked in 1944

After the attack, she was salvaged and put back into commision.

The Nevada was decommissioned in 1946, and deliberately sunk as a target ship during a naval warfare exercise in 1948.

Over time, her exact location was lost. 

Now, thanks to remote technology, she's been found again -- upside-down in more than 15,000 feet of water. Her bow and stern are still missing, though. (weird)

Read more via the link above -- or here.

"...if there was one ship to find that particularly now could speak to something about human nature and particularly Americans, it would be Nevada -- stubborn, resilient," said James Delgado, the lead maritime archeologist on the mission to find her.

Glad they did.

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Happy St. Patrick's Day!

  Éirinn   go   Brách!