Thursday, May 28, 2020

Do It Right!

Oh my, there's good stuff online about the Covid-19 issue right now. 

First on the list is someone who's easy to think of, when it comes to precautions:


Monk, we miss you. Glad you're surviving.

Next up: a MSNBC reporter bound and determined to shame people out relaxing -- and not wearing masks -- during Memorial Day Weekend in Wisconsin. Unfortunately, he 'forgot' that his own team members weren't wearing masks, either!
    Needless to say, the report was cut short. Quickly.

Just for fun, here's the passerby's video on the incident:

C'mon, Media Pundits -- practice what you preach.

And finally:

A funny (but pointed) version of the Coronavirus Rhapsody. (Thanks for helping out, Queen.)

And a tad strange (but equally pointed) version of Can't Touch This -- done with 'healthcare products.' Hey, why not...

Enjoy.  (Thanks, friend Kris and others for sharing these.)

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Happy St. Patrick's Day!

  Éirinn   go   Brách!