Monday, May 4, 2020

Want To See Something Completely Different?

    We just got done watching an astonishingly good movie...

The Man Who Killed Hitler And Then Bigfoot

I admit it -- the title had me from the start. But this is much different than it suggests: romance, wartime and outdoors drama, but also a poignant answer to the eternal question:

When your life is sliding to an end, did you make the right decisions while you were living it?

Sam Elliott, one of our favorite cowboy actors, and Aidan Turner, who you may recognize from Poldark, are two of the powerhouses in this 2018 movie. The director (who also wrote the screenplay) is new, but talented.

It's worth seeing. Really.

Here's the official trailer:

And Sam Elliott's take on the subject:

(And Bigfoot deserves what he gets. Poor guy.)


Tracie @ Somewhat Awry said...

Love Sam Elliot! This looks awesome.

Cindy Brick said...

I am a huge fan of his cragginess, of the few men who's grown handsomer over time. The Brick refers to Sam as our "buddy," a shorthand way to say we like his stuff.

Thanks for writing, Tracie. Get the movie!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

  Éirinn   go   Brách!