Sunday, May 3, 2020

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Back to Writing

    There's still more upkeep to be done in the trailer, but at least the fridge and freezer are full, and we've got clean underwear on. 
     Hey, worry about the essentials -- that's all that's needed. Oh, and we've got plenty of Columbo movies to watch, as well. 
     What's on this week's docket? Now that quarantine is over for us, it won't make that much difference. The Brick got me a beautiful yellow (yes, yellow, for you Language of Flowers people out there) particolored rosebush. It will sit by two little planters holding cherry tomato plants and Swiss chard. It's not much of a garden, but it's something. 
     We've also got a huge juniper bush to keep hacking out, on our friend's property. (This monster is about ten feet long, and about 1/4 out. We've already taken one truckload of branches to the dumping depot, and figure at least two more are needed.)
     I need to figure out where our stuff in his garage will be going. What do we keep? Sell? And just plain get rid of?
     And I need to start working on the new book deadline. More about this soon. I did manage to get my uncle's WWII memoir edited while we were on the cruise -- something I've worked off and on for years. I also fooled around with some other writing commitments. You can never take the writing part out of the writer, no matter where she goes. 
     Has the corona virus peaked? Are things going to start opening up again? 
     We'll see.  Meanwhile:

These are most untrustworthy, in the L of F lexicon...
check our my book Quilts of the Golden West for more.
I don't care -- I love them, anyways.

Michael Moore's latest documentary is on 'green power.' And it's not what you think...

Ten unforgettable WWII posters. Amazing.
    My own favorite: this 1939 companion to the "Keep Calm and Carry On" poster:

"Sell in May, and go away?" Investors have used this 'rule' before -- should you do it now? (I'd say no.)

Tried and true ways to make your groceries last longer.

If you're trying to do the weather from home...don't let your dog in the room! (But it is cute...)

New photos from the British Museum's collection -- and you've got their permission to 'fool around' with them!

The last cruise ship out there from a major line disembarked April 22 in Italy. (Our ship disembarked April 14 -- not long before that.)

Dozens of restaurant copycat recipes -- including KFC's fried chicken and Panera's cheddar-soup-in-a-bread-bowl.  (From Taste of Home)

Money Diary: a week on unemployment in Massachusetts. This writer is 25, unemployed and quarantining at her folks' house.
     These Money Diaries range all over, and are fascinating. How much would YOU spend in a week, if you kept track?

A comet breaks up -- and we get to see it happen, thanks to the Hubble telescope.

And finally -- friend Tommy noticed a new display at our local Safeway. And my book was on it! (Note the facemask-wearing shoppers, properly distanced from each other.)

Have a great week -- and don't get sick.

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Happy St. Patrick's Day!

  Éirinn   go   Brách!