It's beautiful out right now. Green grass, trees are leafing out. I even have perennials planted in the bare space where the juniper bush was.
The only problem: we've had snowstorms before in May -- early, middle and end. We've had it snow on our tent during the Fourth of July weekend.
We've even seen snow as late as Aug. 1st. (The tomato plants were not thrilled.)
Could I possibly hope this is the end of cold weather?? After all, it did snow 4" in Denver on the 20th last year.
Meanwhile, the dogs enjoy their romps in the grass -- and I prance right along with them.

Gardening update: The perennials are slowly taking hold -- but they need a couple buckets of water every day. (Hand-carried.) I found a tomato 'plant' that was actually three -- they're smaller, but are taking hold nicely. The swiss chard seeds planted are sprouting, too!
I'd read that celery and lettuce ends, if kept in water for a while, will sprout and can be planted. The celery rotted, but we'll have a nice romaine plant for the garden.
I wish we had a garden. I do. But water must be hand-carried, and we have far too many deer on the property. I'm hoping they'll leave the chard and tomatoes alone -- they're close to the trailer.
Time will tell.
The hero of Shogun has been re-found, after 400 years. James Clavell's book is one of my favorites.
Remember the evil 77-year-old barber who insisted on keeping his shop open? He was busted by state troopers sent by Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer...and now his license has been revoked. (Note to Governor Whitmer: beauty and barber shops all over Douglas County here in Colorado are open. Ya gonna shut them down, too, for the terrible danger they're posing?)
Jerry Stiller is gone. The 92-year-old comedian died last week. An amazing talent.
A msisionary pilot is killed while delivering Coronavirus aid to a mountain village in Indonesia. Rest in peace, Joyce Lin.
Are you a trucker...or related to one? Denny's has some great specials, including free Grand Slam breakfasts, on Trucker Tuesdays.
Are the Covid-19 and 2008 financial crises playing out the same? Well, yes...and no. (From The Wealth Advisor)
:What's something horrifying you found at a thrift shop?" Creepy answers from Quora.
Sleepy dogs -- and a few cats. Pet owners (whose animals own them) will understand.
Sports stars who still live frugally. Good for them! I recently heard a quote from an actress who said that many celebrities, including sports figures, are only one or two paychecks from financial trouble. I'd believe it. (Thanks, I Am Cheap)
A beautiful 124-year-old tile floor uncovered in Jersey City's City Hall -- under Sixties vinyl!
Roman tile floors in England, eat your heart out. (Okay, this is wonderful, too.)
The Iranians manage to shoot a cruise missile at one of their own ships during a training exercise -- wounding and killing sailors in the process. No doubt this is America's fault somehow...
Peck's famous Russian salad -- the recipe. The secret is capers!
Drunken beans. There you go... (From One Hundred Dollars A Month)
"What's the fastest you've wiped a smirk off someone's face?" A weener from Quora.
An ATM in your house, for your friends' use?? It makes him money, too.
A copycat recipe for Texas Roadhouse rolls. Soft and buttery... (from Jo Cooks)
(She's got some really nice crescent rolls, roo.)
A five-year-old, busted for driving his folks' van down the interstate. He had $3 burning a hole in his pocket, and was headed to California to buy a Lamborghini. (You can't make this stuff up, folks.)
J.C. Penney filed for bankruptcy, joining J. Crew and Neiman Marcus. Ouch. Pier 1 Imports is down for the count, as well.
Have a great week. Wish that pesky snow far away.

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